The generated cards open in a new tab or window. If you don't see any new tab or window, check your popup and script blockers. If that does not help, try disabling all addons.
Make sure you enable the printing of background images and colors in your browser.
Make sure your printer uses the correct paper size (same as in the editor).
Enable double sided printing (flip on long edge).
Do not scale the document to fit the page. Print at original size.
Some printers are not very precise (pages print slightly shifted or rotated) and the cards will not line up with the card backs. If this is the case, there's not much you can do. Try making the page background the same color as the cards, so that you
won't get any white edges on the card. If that does not help, try a different printer or print single-sided.
RPG card generator
The UI of the website is divided in three columns:
The left side is dedicated to global settings as well as examples and the uploading of the image in imgur.
The center side is dedicated to the settings of each card. Each card supports BBCode and the sample cards should be loaded to have examples on how to use the tool.
The right side is dedicated to previewing what you are going to get. What you see is what you get and what will be exported in imgur when the button is pressed.
The website supports a variety of keybindings that you can use to execute actions.
Sort cards
Enter the comparison function below. The comparison function is a block of javascript code. Return -1 if card_a should appear before card_b.
Filter/map cards
Enter code below that will be executed for each card in the deck. Return false to remove the current card from the deck.
Import Card
Enter the JSON for a new card.
It'll be added at the end of the deck.
RPG Tags
Discover all of the available tags and their function!
Supports fs: By adding fs- and a number between 1-6 you can change the text size (1 being biggest, 6 being smallest)
BBCode Guide
Discover all of the available BBCode tags and their function!